Better, faster, smarter.
We think of ourselves as perpetual learners - constantly thinking of ways in which we can make work a better place.
And this is where we put everything we've unearthed and learnt. We hope you will learn and grow with us, and hopefully, also teach us a thing or two!
Automated employee background checks: 5 ways to complete compliance at warp speed
Automated employee background checks can save you a lot of time and effort. But what can you automate and how? Find out in this blog.
6 reasons why your employee onboarding is so onboring [and how an EDP can help]
The onboarding process is tedious not just for new hires but you too. All that paperwork, coordination, and communication on loop for hundreds of new hires is no fun! And in the midst of juggling all that, your new hires' expectations from the onboarding experience are skyrocketing. Your answer to all this? An Employee Data Platform.
Back to Office: Do you need a re-onboarding plan as you re-open?
As the furniture gets dusted off, returning employees are mentally preparing for a nerve-racking Day One 2.0. Preparing to meet and greet people, learn new protocols, and find their groove in the ‘new normal. But no one has to be as prepared for ‘the great return’ as HR managers and company leadership.
Discover the power of unified employee data.
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