Employee onboarding at a startup- When do you have to really start thinking about it?
Startups are ever changing beasts. Pivots, deals, going upmarket, management hiring, firing and so much more.
The phrase “the only thing that is constant is change” — is perhaps never truer than in the context of a startup.
So there’s always a lot going on.
But, when do you have to start thinking about the strategic importance of Employee Onboarding and its value in retention and productivity?
I believe that the following conditions have to come together for a startup to really start thinking about structuring, standardizing and automating their onboarding process.
- You hire over 20 people every month OR there is an event where you are gonna hire over 100 people in less than 6 months
- You have more than 100 people in your organization or are a completely remote team that is over 50 people.
- You have an HR system of record and a multiple productivity and SaaS apps that need specific employee data to flow through to each
If you meet any of the above criteria, then it’s time to start thinking about Employee Onboarding seriously.
Now, do not get me wrong — I am not saying that until you hit one of the three above criterias you should not think about employee onboarding. Employee Onboarding is critical from Day 1 of incorporation. However, it’s easier to manage as a smaller team and with less process automation requirement.
The true pain of managing & maintaining a great onboarding experience happens when the above factors are true. And that’s when you need to start looking at automation, personalization and standardization.
And if you need to know how to go about thinking and planning for a standardized and automated — yet 100% personalized onboarding … watch this video.
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