Tydy Up Newsletter Banner - December 2023
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Hello there!

Are you active on LinkedIn? 💻

If you are not, or have never thought about it until now, or have been toying with the idea for a while, then it is time.

It is time for HR professionals to create powerful personal brands online.

It is one of the best ways to showcase your personal strengths, values and expertise.

It is an unmissable opportunity to make a meaningful impact and leave a lasting legacy. (as Sam Neo, APAC’s Top 10 Employer Branding Consultant puts it)

And more than that, it is a collective moment for Human Resource professionals to co-create a people-first future of work.

To get started, here are three quick tips for you:

  • Stories and experiences: Appeal to the human emotion. Don't shy away from sharing your personal stories, learnings and experiences.
  • Be consistent: You hear that often when it comes to posting on LinkedIn but not at the cost of putting out low-value content. Prioritize quality over quantity.
  • Don’t be afraid to have a different perspective: If you have something different to say, just say it.

On that note, let’s see what’s new in the world of work.

To Read 👀:  The latest trend? BARE MINIMUM MONDAYS

TikTok seems to be defining workplace trends these days and the latest of them all - Bare Minimum Mondays.

We all know how maniacal a Monday can be with start-of-the-week meetings and deadlines. No wonder a majority of us dread this day!

Well, the idea of Bare Minimum Mondays is to make this day less stressful.


By taking the load off of Mondays! Just move or redistribute meetings and deadlines to other days. That way you have Monday to find your feet and start the week off right.

Sounds quite plausible, doesn’t it?

To Listen 🎤: This appraisal season, let's learn a thing or two from Netflix’s feedback culture

You can’t give feedback just because you are frustrated, need to get stuff off your chest or want to get someone into trouble says Erin Meyer, a professor at INSEAD who co-authored the No Rules Rules book with Reed Hastings, ex-CEO of Netflix.

Instead at Netflix, feedback follows a 4-pillar approach:

  • ⛑️ Aim to assist: Give feedback when you know what you have to say will help the other person do a better job
  • 💪 Actionable: If the other person can’t do anything with the feedback, then it is not actionable and is best not given!
  • 🙌 Show appreciation: Sharing a word of gratitude with whoever had the courage to share their feedback with you.
  • 🚫 Accept or decline: No matter who the feedback comes from, the recipient has the agency to accept or decline it.

If you found that insightful, then you’ll love this podcast episode.

What's Up at Tydy?

homepage cover (1)

Check it out: Our website just got an upgrade!

Do you know how Amazon sends you product recommendations or Spotify sends you a curated playlist of your favorite songs?

Using data!

Customer Data Platforms help marketing teams deliver delightful experiences to their customers, i.e. you and me (And we all love it, don't we).

At Tydy, we do something very, very similar.

We enable People Operations Team to deliver memorable employee experiences powered by our **Employee Data Platform**.

Employee data in most companies lies siloed in five or more systems or tools. You need an intelligent way to manage and operationalize all that information and make it available at the right time to the right person, in a fully secure environment.

Especially if you're exploring how AI can help HR, you'll need all your data unified. And for that, you need us to do the heavy lifting 🏋️.

More on that on our website or you could schedule a demo to hear all about it from us directly.

To Read 🛋️: How will generative AI (Read: ChatGPT) affect HR practices?

Technology’s got potential. But the catch?

Leaders sometimes get so enamored by a technology, like, ChatGPT that they let the technology take the lead instead of the work. And that’s where it all goes wrong, points out Ravin Jesuthasan, global leader for transformation services at consulting firm Mercer.

What’s the right approach then?

To first identify repetitive rule-based work that needs to be automated.

To Try 🚴: Build a consumer-grade employee experience strategy with this guide

Customer Experience (CX) teams have already cracked the ‘experience game’.

To get your employee experience strategy right, a smart way to go would be to take inspiration from the more experienced.

And that’s exactly what this guide does. It takes a page out of the CX playbook to suggests a four-step framework to help you build, drive and grow your employee experience strategy.

Story of the month

Out-of-the-box recruitment strategies anyone?

Okay this isn't exactly the story of the month, BUT we love it just the same and wanted to give it a special place in in this newsletter. If you know us at all, we are always seeking knowledge from different sources and Contagious is one place where we always manage to find gold.

So here's some inspiration for you TA folks - some of the smartest and most innovative recruitment campaigns from around the world.

You're welcome! 😎

Have any interesting recruitment strategies of your own? Tell us!

Hello there!

Are you active on LinkedIn? 💻

If you are not, or have never thought about it until now, or have been toying with the idea for a while, then it is time.

It is time for HR professionals to create powerful personal brands online.

It is one of the best ways to showcase your personal strengths, values and expertise.

It is an unmissable opportunity to make a meaningful impact and leave a lasting legacy. (as Sam Neo, APAC’s Top 10 Employer Branding Consultant puts it)

And more than that, it is a collective moment for Human Resource professionals to co-create a people-first future of work.

To get started, here are three quick tips for you:

  • Stories and experiences: Appeal to the human emotion. Don't shy away from sharing your personal stories, learnings and experiences.
  • Be consistent: You hear that often when it comes to posting on LinkedIn but not at the cost of putting out low-value content. Prioritize quality over quantity.
  • Don’t be afraid to have a different perspective: If you have something different to say, just say it.

On that note, let’s see what’s new in the world of work.

To Read 👀:  The latest trend? BARE MINIMUM MONDAYS

TikTok seems to be defining workplace trends these days and the latest of them all - Bare Minimum Mondays.

We all know how maniacal a Monday can be with start-of-the-week meetings and deadlines. No wonder a majority of us dread this day!

Well, the idea of Bare Minimum Mondays is to make this day less stressful.


By taking the load off of Mondays! Just move or redistribute meetings and deadlines to other days. That way you have Monday to find your feet and start the week off right.

Sounds quite plausible, doesn’t it?

To Listen 🎤: This appraisal season, let's learn a thing or two from Netflix’s feedback culture

You can’t give feedback just because you are frustrated, need to get stuff off your chest or want to get someone into trouble says Erin Meyer, a professor at INSEAD who co-authored the No Rules Rules book with Reed Hastings, ex-CEO of Netflix.

Instead at Netflix, feedback follows a 4-pillar approach:

  • ⛑️ Aim to assist: Give feedback when you know what you have to say will help the other person do a better job
  • 💪 Actionable: If the other person can’t do anything with the feedback, then it is not actionable and is best not given!
  • 🙌 Show appreciation: Sharing a word of gratitude with whoever had the courage to share their feedback with you.
  • 🚫 Accept or decline: No matter who the feedback comes from, the recipient has the agency to accept or decline it.

If you found that insightful, then you’ll love this podcast episode.

What's Up at Tydy?

homepage cover (1)

Check it out: Our website just got an upgrade!

Do you know how Amazon sends you product recommendations or Spotify sends you a curated playlist of your favorite songs?

Using data!

Customer Data Platforms help marketing teams deliver delightful experiences to their customers, i.e. you and me (And we all love it, don't we).

At Tydy, we do something very, very similar.

We enable People Operations Team to deliver memorable employee experiences powered by our **Employee Data Platform**.

Employee data in most companies lies siloed in five or more systems or tools. You need an intelligent way to manage and operationalize all that information and make it available at the right time to the right person, in a fully secure environment.

Especially if you're exploring how AI can help HR, you'll need all your data unified. And for that, you need us to do the heavy lifting 🏋️.

More on that on our website or you could schedule a demo to hear all about it from us directly.

To Read 🛋️: How will generative AI (Read: ChatGPT) affect HR practices?

Technology’s got potential. But the catch?

Leaders sometimes get so enamored by a technology, like, ChatGPT that they let the technology take the lead instead of the work. And that’s where it all goes wrong, points out Ravin Jesuthasan, global leader for transformation services at consulting firm Mercer.

What’s the right approach then?

To first identify repetitive rule-based work that needs to be automated.

To Try 🚴: Build a consumer-grade employee experience strategy with this guide

Customer Experience (CX) teams have already cracked the ‘experience game’.

To get your employee experience strategy right, a smart way to go would be to take inspiration from the more experienced.

And that’s exactly what this guide does. It takes a page out of the CX playbook to suggests a four-step framework to help you build, drive and grow your employee experience strategy.

Story of the month

Out-of-the-box recruitment strategies anyone?

Okay this isn't exactly the story of the month, BUT we love it just the same and wanted to give it a special place in in this newsletter. If you know us at all, we are always seeking knowledge from different sources and Contagious is one place where we always manage to find gold.

So here's some inspiration for you TA folks - some of the smartest and most innovative recruitment campaigns from around the world.

You're welcome! 😎

Have any interesting recruitment strategies of your own? Tell us!

Soumya Samuel

Sr. Writer and Content Creator, Tydy
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